Maggie said……

there would be days like this, or was is Mama that said that?  🙂  Wow, yesterday was not a great day at all.  After a pretty successful long day on Saturday- lots of things went wrong yesterday.  A 2 hour bike to one hour run brick turned into…… hmmmm about a 3 hour outing on the bikes and amended runs by some of us- surely not a brick.  Notice I said outing?  About 25 minutes in, Pam flatted a tire.  Then it seemed as if that tire was not seated correctly on the rim as she was jumping all over like a mexican jumping bean.  So, she decided to shorten her route and if she ran into any more trouble, we would be along.  About an hour later, Rob flatted.  Paul offered to go back and help him as he had “plenty of energy left” in him.  So Mike and I headed back for La Crosse.  As I was just coming back into town I see Pam’s vehicle, she slowed and hollered out to me Rob had flatted.  I thought, oh oh – something is not going well.  Mike and I got back to the Y, Pam and Rob followed not too long after with the information that Rob had run over some glass and trashed his tire to the point that he would just continue to flat.  We all changed into running gear and waited for Paul.  We sent Pam out on her run as she had time sensitive commitments and about a half hour later Paul rolls in – just after the first round of rain.  Can you even believe it – he had flatted on his way back in!  By this time Pam is pissy, Rob is pissy, and Paul is pissed.  I forgot to mention that Rob and I were having a bit of communication issues on the ride as well.  This continued on the run – oops, I guess I should not expect my husband to read my mind.  Again – sorry Rob.  It is again comforting to know that we do have a supportive team that will all stop to fix a tire, go back to help someone with a flat, drive back out to pick up said flatted bike and rider, etc………..

Rob officially recorded the workout on his Garmin Connect calendar as the “ride from hell.”  I do try to find the silver lining in things so, at least we did not get hit with the golf ball sized hail that pummeled our house at about 4 pm yesterday.  Now, if someone else can find the silver lining in this week’s forecast – I would appreciate it 🙂

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Embrace your Bodies Ladies!

Disclaimer: this post is not for the sensitive hearts. You are warned: Tough Love ahead!!!

I had to intervene. Two post in a row about weight issues. I know, I have seen it all forms: wanting a lighter bike, dieting excessively for a specific race, a lighter body to race fast on a hilly course… It seems to be even amongst man and woman (man cyclist being some of the worst!!!). You would also be surprise to hear about what extremes some pros would go to get themselves “race ready”.

You have not signed up for a beauty contest. This is Ironman. 140+ miles of racing. You will submit your body to extremes, thin or thick. On race day, there will be much more leaner bodies than yours, and  there will be fatter bodies as well. There will even be older bodies, younger bodies, and some will even race it with missing limbs. One thing you will share with all those people: you all want to get to the finish line, having raced with everything you’ve got. You all put in efforts, sacrifices, sweat and blood. Thin or Thick.

All I am saying is Embrace your Body. Be proud of it. It is strong, beautiful, and capable to bring you to extremes because you trained for it. It is an amazing machine. It is time we pay respect and tribute to it. In every shape and forms.  Be proud of it and even flaunt it! You certainly deserve it.

I hope I can instill some self-confidence and hopefully you’ll forget about the fact that no weight was lost with the training so far. It may come or not, but embrace the journey in the meantime. Embrace the fact that you are now strong and fit.

ps: If you haven’t loss any weight, it is because you replenish all of the calories you’ve burn. Simple math 🙂 I am so proud of all of you and find you Ladies more beautiful than ever!!! Truly!

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Muscle and water…..

that is my story and I am sticking to it!  The cause for the scale debacle of course.  I am choosing to use the scale data as purely trivial information, especially after this past week.  Things are starting to “click” for me workout wise.  This week brought great runs, strong swims and the virgin voyage outside on the bike.

The three runs this week (one more to do today) felt super.  Tuesday called for a 3o minute run, so I went with my daughter (quite the speedster).  I let her set the pace and it did feel fast, but certainly manageable….. averaged an 8:18 pace.  So, with an hour to run on Wednesday I decided to just run what felt strong, without feeling stressed.  An hour later I felt great and had averaged an 8:38 pace.  Friday called for a 45 minute run and I decided to challenge myself route wise.  IM Wisconsin is not a flat course by any means, so I included a viaduct, rolling hills along the base of the bluff, and Ebner coulee (a one mile steady incline going up).  Again, my average was well below a nine minute pace (8:35) with my last mile being the fastest.

Saturday was a big day in terms of minutes working out.  Paul and I headed to the YMCA north to do the swim as we had decided to venture the outdoors on our bikes.  The workout called for 1.5 hours of swimming to include 2 x 30 minute swims.  We decided to count how far we got in 30 minutes, take a short break and then try to repeat the distance or better it.  I managed to get a mile in with each 30 minute set, all the while feeling very efficient and not in extensive cardiovascular stress.

Onto the virgin voyage.  I had emailed Maggie for a route that would get us 2.75 hours.  She must have been in her glory as she quickly responded with a route. I had Paul print it out before we left his house yesterday morning.  He took a quick look and commented “oh my, we have some climbs.”  I have not biked out north much in the last couple of years, so my inexperience caused there to be a lack of recognition of these climbs.  It did feel fabulous to be outdoors on the bike, and I think Paul is learning my method of “talking” to the hills in a welcoming manner.  See, I figure if you hit it with a welcoming, positive attitude, it will be less painful.  We managed just fine – even screaming at charging dogs (apparently I am much more scary than Paul), and Paul feeling as if his legs were                    _ _ _ _ ed (insert 4 letter word here) at the end of the last climb.  Oh, and Mike…. we totally feel your z4-z5 pain 🙂

Now…. back to my philosophy of the scale data being totally insignificant.  After this kick butt week of successful training (and about 15 hours I might add)  I have managed to GAIN a pound.  So…… I think the scale can  _ _ _ _ _ ; insert any word you feel is appropriate!

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The Scale….

Angie and I have a Wed and Fri ritual. After our swim workout in the morning, we each get on the scale for a weigh in. Now you if you look at the makeup of our team you will notice that there are three very lean men and two sturdy women!!

–  Sidenote: Maggie is excluded from “the Team” in this post because she is the Coach! and if I include her – she blows the point/purpose/complaint of the whole post!  Sorry Mags – love you but you don’t fit in my gripe this morning!! 🙂

Well the boys are always talking about how they lose pounds in the course of a single workout or day!!!! Angie and I would be happy to lose a Pound in the course of a week!!!! We have also come to note that we consistently (both of us) weigh 1 – 1.5 pounds more on Wed than we do on Friday – except today! Today, each of us is still on our Wed Weight (typically the bigger number of the two weigh ins) and I say that because yes it is a CONSISTENT number each Wed!!! and has been for about 3-4 weeks!!!

We have noticed that our clothes are fitting a bit looser, but the pounds are consistent and they are Consistently There!!!! – each and every one of them each week! They all jump on the scale with us!!! Now we (Angie and I) have come to terms with this – well we are telling ourselves we have come to terms with it – and we say “It is Just a Number! we feel good, we feel strong and our clothes are fitting” and some days a little more roomy than others. However, it is still frustrating that the boys are experiencing weight loss and we aren’t!!!

Just had to get that one off my chest today! Trust me there are more ventings in me waiting to be blogged – so be prepared for what could be whole long series of ventings…..

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I am incredibly sensitive

“Incredibly sensitive” were the exact words used by the chiro….when she was describing my head!!!
Hobbled into her office this morn with a knee the size of a melon and in a little pain. After she listened to my problem and did a quick strength test on my leg, she asked me if I had bumped my head recently. As it happens I had banged my head getting out of the car sometime last week. Appears that the bang on the head had put my hips out, which in turn caused various muscles to compensate and that in turn blew my knee out (that’s the technical explanation). After over an hour of adjustments to my head, hips, left leg and knee, I walked out of the chiro’s office feeling a whole lot better. She is amazing.
Have been icing the knee every hour since getting home and the swelling is starting to disappear and the pain has gone. Should be running again tomorrow.
Brook asked me this morn if the chiro told me not to run would I do what she told me. Of course was my reply. When I told Mike he said I would need to get a new chiro.

Posted in Paul's Posts | 2 Comments

A backward step

Been a while since I posted anything, but then Pam and Angie do such a good job and have generally managed to post a summary of the week before I can even think about blogging. 

Finished up week 11 of the training plan feeling stronger overall.   Training seems to have been going pretty well and I have been pleased with my personal progress, especially as I am starting to feel some improvement in my swimming..  Nothing spectacular, but enough to make me feel that the training program we are on is going to pay off.  Monday was the start of week 12, the start of a recovery week and a rest day.  During the course of a very restful day my left knee just completely gave out….very sharp shooting pain, then nothing but a dull ache.   Happened 6 or 7 times during the day but, by the following morning, it seemed to be OK.  No problem with the 1.75 hour bike, but the knee did not feel great when I got off the bike.  Managed to do the 45 minute run without a problem, albeit at a 10 minute pace.  However, the afternoon saw the knee collapse numerous times and by this morning it was fairly well swollen.  Swam easily for half an hour (as I don’t kick much…not a big problem!!) but could not run afterwards.  Lots of ice, compression and rest today but the swelling is not going away.  Have an appointment with the chiro tomorrow.

Am hoping this is just a very temporary set back,  As I have arthritis in both knees having some pain is not unexpected, but having my knee collapse altogether is little out of the ordinary.  Feels like a pinched nerve…hope it is nothing worse.

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It never gets easier…Only Faster!

The question was raised recently, over a glass of wine as to when will the legs stop throbbing? When will they stop hurting and feeling heavy…? The answer is: around September 1st, when taper will start. No earlier.

Yeap, that’s a reality check. I have entered my 10th year of Ironman training. You would think that my legs would be strong enough to sustain the training and intensity. They are stronger indeed, but with this increased strength comes an increase in intensity that my coach likes to tap into on an every other day basis with strong intervals. The results? Faster intervals, with just as tired of legs! And let’s not forget about our upper body: ever have that feeling while swimming that your arms can no longer move after a strong workout? Well it will happen over and over again!

The beauty though is that you will get to recover faster and better with the increased conditioning. I can now be somewhat productive the evenings after a 6+ hrs workout (after a good shower, nap and some food) and the next day, I am ready to go again.

Trust me: September 1st will feel like a brand new holiday on its own!!!

Enjoy the leg fatigue ’til then 🙂

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“That ain’t us”…….

…. is what our team has decided is our theme, motto/logo, whatever you want to call it.  You see, our group is very heterogeneous in our make-up and although there are many things we decidedly are (like supportive, funny, have excellent palates), there are so many things that we are not.

Yesterday morning brought us a swim in which Pam and I focused on smooth strokes and moving water in sets of 400’s.  Paul, Mike, Alex (my daughter) and I then did our one hour run with intervals of 6 minutes.  We were all very strong.  Rob and Pam did their run after work and ran equally as strong – then a team dinner complete with Maggie and Kent.  We had kick butt pasta with meatballs and sausage along with our favorite dessert, Ben and Jerry’s.  This morning we completed a two hour bike with 12 minute intervals followed by 5 minute intervals at an even higher effort.  Right off the bike to a one hour “social” run.  We certainly were social (add that to the things we are).  It is so wonderful to be outside running without a thousand layers on- could it be that spring has finally sprung?  Running along the bike path along pammel creek we greeted all the walkers and bikers, this sunshine does wonders for one’s disposition.

On to the Blue Moon for our traditional post workout recovery.  The bar keep there, Jesse (we just learned his name today) took great care of us as he always does.  Once our bellies were full we could converse intelligently again.  This is when we decided “that ain’t us!”  Mike was saying that he gets irritated when people less than his age are referred to as ‘elderly’ – that ain’t him!  Paul was mentioning how nice it is to see old people out and about exercising – that ain’t him.  And Pam and I are down right pissed that when we look up our weight on a BMI index, we are overweight – that ain’t us!  Not sure what Rob ain’t quite yet, but I am sure we will figure it out by September.  Hey team… any suggestions?? We laughed heartily this morning which again reinforces another theme common in all of our posts on this blog.  We are so blessed to have each other as not only training partners, but as friends!  There are not a lot of groups out there that have genuine interest in the successes of anyone other than themselves, that ain’t us!  Each member truly cares for everyone and supports each other to reach their goals and potential.  So….. we will keep being what we are, and continue to add to what we ain’t!

Posted in Angie's Posts | 1 Comment

ITU Long Distance World Championships in USA!!

ITU, or International Triathlon Union, is the governing body of the draft-legal, Olympic distance, World cup triathlons. I know, it can get somewhat complicated since it is in direct competition with WTC, or World Triathlon Corporation, which is responsible for the Ironman races.

ITU is hosting world championships for amateurs as well as professionals in 2 distances: Olympic and Long Course. It is in a different country every year and I do not believe the Long Course was ever held in the USA. I was fortunate enough to be part of the amateur squad of Team USA in 2008, for the World Championships, Olympic distance held in Vancouver. The day was plagued with terrible weather: cold and rainy. In fact, the water was so choppy, that a triathlon got quickly switch into a duathlon, but of course, only after I got into the water in my respective wave. I precisely remember, after my face got completely numb from the cold water, that it was no longer a race, but rather a race for survival! It made me chuckle a little. Hey: better laugh than cry!!!

The events are well run and are such unique triathlons to be part of. Everybody walks around with their country’s uniform. No one is allowed sponsors, so everybody wears the same uniform with their country’s color. There is usually a “Parade of the countries”,  and the amateur race is followed usually by the professionals, draft-legal race, criterium-style. Truly an event worth being part of.

Well, Henderson, NV will host this years’ ITU Long Course World Championships in November (not to be confused with the new venue for the WTC 70.3 World Championships in September…do you see a theme here?) . It consists of 4km swim, 120km bike, then 30km run. Fun distance! Henderson, located only 15 miles East of Las Vegas, is one of my favorite place in the country to train: beautiful venue, mountains, and dry desert heat. Oh and the Strip is nearby too!

In order to be part of Team USA, you must be qualifiy at specific races, which are usually Nationals championships. There is an exception this year: we can qualify at Pigman, IA half-ironman in August. Top 5 in every age-group will be offered a spot on Team USA!!!  

Just thought I’d share the info. For whatever reason, a lot of people in the area are not aware of it and it could be a fun goal to be part of  Team USA, especially since the event is so close by!

See in Nevada in November!!! (ok…got to qualify first!!!)

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The Biking Basement

I am sure many of you are DYING to know how we manage 2 hours on our trainers without going absolutely mad! I know I wondered how I was going to do more than 30 minutes much less 2 hours multiple times a week. Well welcome to the Biking Basement! This is our team training center, complete with oscillating fan, television and a convenient “Kwik Trip stop” i.e. bathroom! This is where you will find Rob, Angie and me on Tuesday and Thursday mornings starting around 4:15am or 4:30am depending on the length of the bike. And then Mike and Paul show up around 8am on those same mornings to do there stint – the retired boys don’t seem to feel the need to join us at 4am ????? I don’t know why!

The Team Biking Basement

Welcome to our Biking Basement complete with sweatproof flooring, oscillating fan, "Kwik Trip" for necessary stops and of course our beloved TV.

This is also where you will find us on Saturday mornings, the most raucous day in the basement as we watch “Law and Order” and then “Men of a Certain Age”. It is always useful to have a resident judge to answer our questions and clarify “Hollywoodisms” and then we have our resident former “hoodlum” to point out how the “men of a certain age” should have gotten all of that out of their systems when they were younger! Yes the Biking Basement is the center of all knowledge and sarcasm. Also a bit of discussion on the best nutrition while biking as well as the after effects of good or bad nutrition! Some discussions are not fit to leave the basement and would not or should not be held in public but often are! Oops we sometimes forget we are no longer in the basement…. Sorry!

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