Embrace your Bodies Ladies!

Disclaimer: this post is not for the sensitive hearts. You are warned: Tough Love ahead!!!

I had to intervene. Two post in a row about weight issues. I know, I have seen it all forms: wanting a lighter bike, dieting excessively for a specific race, a lighter body to race fast on a hilly course… It seems to be even amongst man and woman (man cyclist being some of the worst!!!). You would also be surprise to hear about what extremes some pros would go to get themselves “race ready”.

You have not signed up for a beauty contest. This is Ironman. 140+ miles of racing. You will submit your body to extremes, thin or thick. On race day, there will be much more leaner bodies than yours, and  there will be fatter bodies as well. There will even be older bodies, younger bodies, and some will even race it with missing limbs. One thing you will share with all those people: you all want to get to the finish line, having raced with everything you’ve got. You all put in efforts, sacrifices, sweat and blood. Thin or Thick.

All I am saying is Embrace your Body. Be proud of it. It is strong, beautiful, and capable to bring you to extremes because you trained for it. It is an amazing machine. It is time we pay respect and tribute to it. In every shape and forms.  Be proud of it and even flaunt it! You certainly deserve it.

I hope I can instill some self-confidence and hopefully you’ll forget about the fact that no weight was lost with the training so far. It may come or not, but embrace the journey in the meantime. Embrace the fact that you are now strong and fit.

ps: If you haven’t loss any weight, it is because you replenish all of the calories you’ve burn. Simple math 🙂 I am so proud of all of you and find you Ladies more beautiful than ever!!! Truly!

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