Oh Crap I Forgot my Ipod!!!

Today, as I was pedaling through my “warm-up” bike ride on a desolate road in northern Wisconsin, I was wishing I was anywhere but on that bike, on that road, with 3+ hours of boredom and exercise ahead of me. Wow great attitude huh???? Yep, that was what was going through my head when I thought, “Crap I forgot my Ipod!” Oh that’s right I DON’T own an Ipod!!! I hate Ipods and I hate even more the thought of running or biking with an Ipod but here I am thinking today might be a good day for me!!! Yikes this was going to be a VERY ugly workout!

Frankly the bike wasn’t so bad, I stayed on flat roads and it was only 1.5 hours, it was a beautiful cool morning and my legs were loosening up from the 65 miles yesterday. But the run just loomed in front of me like a final I hadn’t studied for and was not prepared to take! I got off my bike and slowly transitioned to this dreaded run. Well, my right knee has been hurting this week when I run, so I quickly decided – “if the knee hurts, bag the run, best to not get hurt!”

Got my stuff together and since I was in the desolate northern woods I had already placed water along the course and had to carry my cell phone to text my locations and progress to my brother in North Carolina who was relaying my progress and needs to my parents at the cottage because they have no cell service there and you can’t get enough of a signal to call but you can get a text out!!! See??? What a logistical mess!!! Even more reason I should have just enjoyed blueberry pancakes, coffee and the wonderful company at the cottage instead of being out here alone and without an Ipod!!! On top of that what about the bears??? From observing other Ipod-addicted exercisers, I decided that I could have scared the bears away because apparently you MUST crank the volume so everyone within 20 feet can hear your music so that would be a great way to keep the bears away! You know they say “Always make lots of noise when you walk in the woods!” So folks, Is your breathing REALLY that loud that you can’t hear your music over it??? Just wondering….

Hey wait a minute, my knee is no longer hurting – yes, it was painful for the first mile or so but now it is fine! And wow those first few torture hills are behind me and this is going pretty well.  As I approach the cluster of cottages and the lake close to the road I see people launching boats, a few cyclists go by, I wave to all and say Good Morning. I hear a lawn mower and wave at the guy mowing. I listen to all of the birds chirping wondering what they are and where are they?? (I really should learn about bird calls that would keep my mind off the running but it is even though I don’t know the difference between a Robin or a Bluebird call or even it they hang out in the northwoods!) Wow now I am getting thirsty, I see a lady doing yard work and ask if I can drink out of her hose. “Absolutely, would you prefer a bottle of water to take with you?” “No thanks just a few sips out of the hose as I have water up at the intersection.” We chat while I drink and I thank her and off I go….

To make a long run (14 miles) short…. This was how my whole run went! I was thoroughly entertained by my surroundings and the wildlife hanging out just a few feet from the road. I saw several chipmunks, a few deer and a beautiful little fawn! I listened to a “symphony of birds, crickets and toads” (pardon the cliche) as they gathered their friends, attracted their young or whatever they do by chirping away! Again I need to learn about this….

I often giggled to myself as I thought of my bike ride this morning and how much I was dreading this run, so much so I actually “wished” I had an Ipod!!! Yikes!!! Thank God for small favors!!! No Ipod on this head! I prefer to enjoy my natural surroundings!

Rant Over: I will now step off my soapbox and hope one Ipod-Addict will take the challenge “Run Without!!!!” Try it you might find you like it!!!!

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