Let the Good Times Roll and Roll they did!!! Last Sunday (2/13) was my annual trip to New Orleans for the Mardi Gras Marathon (now the Rock N Roll Mardi Gras Marathon). This year I was advised (and gladly accepted) to only run the half marathon. Good thing! My last long run (over 6 miles) was at the end of Sept when I ran the Maple Leaf Half Marathon and my piriformis flared! So I not only was this a “C” or “D” race for me this year, it was also a “will I PW!” My traveling companions were great: Libby, Mike, Dave, Adrianne and Andy. Our itinerary promised much walking, touring, eating and fun so who cared what the race brought!

Saturday Lunch at the Abita Brewpub with my horseback riding buddy, Laura Colomb and my high school cross country and track coach, Allie Smith (I was not a runner I was a manager)
Friday was spent touring the French Quarter which included Cafe au Lait and Beignets, French Market, St Louis #1 Cemetery, Deanie’s Seafood, the race expo and then Crawfish!!!! at my parents’ house. Saturday was a fun breakfast with everyone and our host families, lunch and beers with my friends at Abita Brewery and then a great pre-race spaghetti dinner. Do we really have to race tomorrow?????
Early morning drive to the finish line to park our car and catch a shuttle to the start. Traffic was horrific and everyone decided to use on the bus potty. First close mishap – Dave was in the bus potty when we arrived at the disembark point and almost got taken to the bus yard! Luckily Libby was paying attention and ran to the bus to stop it and let Dave get “put together” and off! A what I am told was “rather brisk” walk to the start and we all wished each other well and went to our assigned corrals. With 18,000 runners the start is a bit of a mess so I went and dropped my bag and opted to stand in the potty line inside my corral. While in line I met a another Wisconsinite from Racine who is doing the 50 states and also Ironman Wisconsin 2011!!! Misty and I spent the first 4-5 miles running together chatting until our courses split – she did the full marathon. I went on my way feeling great until about mile 9.
Oops I am guessing that is about where the lack of running caught up with me. I pushed through mile 9 and then decided “Welcome to Ironman training” and pushed on, trying not to lose my pace or focus. All was good until mile 12 where things kind of went south to a 10 min mile but I was able to pull myself out of the “pooper” and keep my average at 9:28 min mile for a 2:05! Not bad for so little running training and a LOT of food and beer leading up to the race!
I did come home with a renewed confidence in my running fitness or probably more my overall fitness. However I did blow a huge hole in that 10% increase rule and hurt for days! Didn’t run again until Friday but felt great despite the killer run in the dark and wind. Had some great workouts this weekend and if I could EVER shake this cold/cough and congestion, I could really do some damage!
One thing I have always known but am finding more and more important is the company/training partners I have! I was met at the finish line by the smiling faces of Andy and Adrianne full of congrats and praise and then we met each additional member of our group at the finish with the same smiles and congrats! What more can you ask for???? We then as a group went to relax in the park and listen to the bands and discuss our accomplishments! Everyone had good races, maybe not their best races but everyone was happy, enjoyed the experience. I love these people and their attitudes! I hope I always keep their perspective! What a great journey and awesome traveling partners! Thanks Adrianne, Libby, Mike, Dave and Andy, you made New Orleans special for me!
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